Sunday, 1 February 2015

The Camping Clyde-sider - Video Blogs!

Back in January I did something very brave. I booked a camp site. Not just for one night....but for the entire duration of my time at Glasgow 2014. 23rd July to 4th August - minimum. A whole 12 nights under canvas!

Testing out the tent in my parents back garden..... It went up, with a bit of persuasion!

Car loaded up. Destination: Glasgow!

After the first morning.....

On route to shift number 1...

Post-Radio interview, more tents and a new addition to the tent....

The day it rained....

The morning after the rain..... Cooking with Creme Eggs
The one and only time I cooked...

Bringing back the blue sky and sea of tents... confusing uni with Glasgow 2014 = tent fever!

Final blog... 2 weeks in a tent = this!

Before booking my camping I spent quite a lot of time worrying about communal showers. This was the only thing that put me off camping. However, I decided I should just 'man up' and get on with it!
Communal showers went from my worst enemy to being one of things I liked most about camping.
Apart from the times they 'broke', remembering back to the time I got up at 11pm after a late shift to find a sign saying they were out of order until 2pm'ish, 2pm being the time I needed to be on shift! I really enjoyed the social aspect of communal showers. It's not every day you spend the first 30mins of your morning catching up with people and sharing your excitements for the day ahead! It felt weird for the first few days being back and showering alone.... Communal showers win! I even took a cheeky selfie to mark the victory!

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