Volunteer Interview Programme (VIP)

Back in March/April 2014 I submitted an application to join the Rugby World Cup 2015 (RWC2015) Volunteer Interview Programme (VIP) and was delighted to be accepted as a volunteer! I have previous experience with London 2012 where I was a Selection Event Volunteer (SEV) doing the same role, interviewing Games Maker Candidates, so was very excited to get involved!

Sadly I couldn't make the training evening in Newcastle so off I went to Leeds Beckett University with a few friend faces from the Sheffield Volunteering Gang. Training was really good, and got us all up to speed with the role we'd be carrying out.
30 minutes per interview, 20 minutes with candidates and 10 minutes to mark and summarise - back to back interviews - it was going to be a tighter turn around compared to London 2012. However, leaving training I felt confident to get going just a few days later when I went back home to Gateshead ready for my first shift!
The Newcastle Try Out's were held at Newcastle Race Course and it was great to see the RWC2015 Land Rover parked outside, with a cheeky sign directing us hopefully volunteers in the right direction!
My first shift was Friday 3rd October, which also coincided with media day... featuring Jonny Wilkinson and the Webb Ellis Cup!
My day started with a quick tour of the Try Out Experience then it was time to get kitted out with my VIP polo and get armed with my pen! Next up Jonny arrived with the first wave of volunteers into the Try Out exhibition area! There was a real buzz around the venue making it an even more exciting first shift.
Shifts were a mix of carrying out interviews and mingling in the exhibition area with the applicants. The exhibition area was great fun, there was the opportunity to get into a scrum, test your passing and leave a message of what rugby means to you. After the exhibition area was a 'setting the scene' video, giving everyone goose bumps about RWC2015 coming to England and Cardiff. It was a great build up to the interview!
The big story to hit the press from the Newcastle Try Out's was the fact the Jonny 'dropped' the Webb Ellis Cup. In fairness I think he really only dropped the lid, but check out my facial expressions before and after the drop! haha.
My second and final shift in Newcastle was the next day, which also happened to be my 26th Birthday! I couldn't think of a better way to spend my birthday! As it was also the final day of Try Outs in Newcastle so the Try Out team set up a little thank you come birthday party.... with cake! Check out the party hat and poppers whilst I collected my certificate.
Since I just can't get enough of volunteering I offered to do a shift at Leeds Beckett University, the next stop for the Try Out Team! Arriving in Leeds you couldn't miss the venue thanks to the branded Land Rover parked out the front. It turns out the 16th October was media day in Leeds, so yet again there was an amazing buzz around the venue as Jason Robinson OBE was visiting! Although I only caught a quick glimpse of Jason as I was interviewing during the majority of the time he was there, so sadly no photos to show like Jonny above!
During the day I had the chance to have a read through some of the "What rugby means to me" cards. I couldn't help but smile at some of the responses! There was even a song written on one of the cards! Again, the Webb Ellis Cup made a visit to the venue and this time I got the chance to take a non-blurry photo...Hurray!
For anyone who attended Leeds Try Out's I have a to take a moment to brag. After a little bit of coaching from a fellow northerner, I finally managed to get a door shot into the Try Out goal! Having never played rugby beyond the old primary school PE lesson I thought this was an excellent achievement!
The final leg of my interviewing was a special trip to Sheffield Hallam University. This was to interview some of their students for the Media Roles as part of their degree programmes. As this was a bit of a different stop off for the Try Out Team, there was no exhibition area or video session prior to the candidates interviews. It was a brilliant day with some of the VIP's I'd met in Leeds and Newcastle.
Volunteering with the Try Out Team was such as brilliant experience! From the very beginning as volunteers we fully felt part of the bigger picture, with a good bit of banter and humour between the gang. It was brilliant to volunteer alongside some old faces and meet many new people. I'd love to be able to share of the experiences I heard whilst interviewing (sadly I can't!) but what I can say is there were many many inspiring people wanting to do their part of make RWC2015 the best event ever! Being part of the VIP was a brilliant warm up to the RWC, even if I am unsuccessful in my application to join The Pack, it was awesome to have played my part in the recruitment.
Just when I thought all the excitement of the VIP experience had died down, this little surprise arrived on my door mat! Such as nice touch form the team - my very own RWC2015 VIP Pin Badge!
My journey to join The Pack
My Interview
I had my interview in one of the breaks up at Newcastle. I was interviewed for a role in the Transport Team, however I said I'd be happy to be part of whatever team the guys thought I'd be most helpful and suited to. I'd like to think my interview went really well. As VIP's we were only asked the final couple of questions on 'Team Leader' preferences and 'Role Suitability' as the other questions had formed part of our application to be a VIP.
My Offer
January 2015 - the month RWC2015 Roles would start to be allocated and the wait would begin! Looking on Facebook I could see people celebrating receiving their offers as we moved to the end of January. Luckily the wait wasn't too long, and on Friday 30th January this email dropped in my inbox...
Hurray!!!!! Hurray!!! I'd been offered a role!! But... what was even more exciting was that I was no longer part of the transport team.... I was going to be part of the Field of Play Team up in Newcastle!! My next thought was 'is field of play what I think it is?'. When I volunteered at Glasgow 2014 as a member of the Athlete Services team we worked alongside the Field of Play team who looked after the court side and ball patrol girls. Was this the role I had for RWC2015? I couldn't believe it, but then this arrived in my inbox...
"Sports Presentation Field of Play Assistants will work in a floor management capacity, supporting the operational production team in the match venue tunnel and around the perimeter of the pitch.
You will work closely with the Floor Manager to oversee the movement of all Sports Presentation talent, ensuring they are in the right place at the right time. This includes entertainment, choirs, military bands, presenters and pundits.
You will also play an integral role in the delivery of a team’s entrance and protocol, ensuring flag bearers, mascots and ball carriers are in the correct order inside the match venue tunnel on time prior to being called onto the field of play.
You will have privileged back-of-house access and will play a key role in the successful delivery of the Sports Presentation Programme across the Tournament."
My excitement went through the roof! I couldn't believe I'd been offered such a privileged role. It's fair to say, I'm counting down the day to training and the first game up at St. James' Park...the day before my 27th Birthday, exactly a year after my interview!
Joining the Training Operations Programme
Monday 20th April 2015
Following my experience on the Volunteer Interview Programme, I applied for a volunteer role on the Training Operations Programme. These are the volunteers who support the staff members when it comes to the 'Talking Tactic's' role specific training carried out across the country for members of The Pack. Early this week I found out my application had been successful - so watch out Pack Members in Newcastle.... I'm coming to help train you! :-)
Following my experience on the Volunteer Interview Programme, I applied for a volunteer role on the Training Operations Programme. These are the volunteers who support the staff members when it comes to the 'Talking Tactic's' role specific training carried out across the country for members of The Pack. Early this week I found out my application had been successful - so watch out Pack Members in Newcastle.... I'm coming to help train you! :-)
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