Saturday, 28 November 2015

Road to Rio 2016 Olympic & Paralympic Games : A Volunteer's Journey!

Whilst around the world our  athletes are rigorously training for what could be the greatest opportunity of their life... Many volunteers are sitting on the edge of their seat, waiting to find out if they're going to have the opportunity to support those athletes hoping to turn their dreams into reality.

Here's an insight to the road to Rio, from a volunteers point of view...

1st September 2014: Application Submitted!

Less than a month after volunteering at Glasgow 2014 Common Wealth Games I decided to set my sights on Rio 2016 Olympic & Paralympic Games. Why not I thought? Perfect way to celebrate handing in my PhD thesis. 

Yes just to clarify - the date isn't wrong! Applications opened just short of 2 years before the actual event. You have to be prepared if you really do want to get involved in some of the worlds greatest sporting events!

Not long after my application was submitted the first stage of the process was complete via the Online Dynamics Game. This was a great way of finding out how people respond to various takes and challenges a volunteer faces in their role. It was also a good way of Rio 2016 to find out exactly why volunteers are wanting to be involved.

27th November 2014: Language Levelling!
On my application I stated I had a basic level of French, Italian & Portuguese. Whilst volunteering at the British Figure Skating Championships 2 emails dropped in my inbox...

Uhoh! I didn't think I'd only have a month to revise my French and Italian from my GCSE's!

Anyways...with the help of Duolingo I set myself the challenge of doing 'half decent'.
On a day between Christmas and New Year, I found myself sitting in Newcastle University's Robinson Library completing my language levelling exams!
The good news being they deemed me as having an intermediate Italian level and a upper-intermediate French level. I surprised myself...and no I didn't cheat.

11th February - It's time to learn about the Rio 2016 Sports!
Now fearing the Portuguese language levelling email, I was happy to see this land in my inbox. It was time to learn all about the sports in Rio.

7th August 2015 - Interview time

Having past the language levelling and been through the Online Dynamics test, I was excited to receive an email in July, just after returning from Baku 2015, inviting me to interview!

Having interviewed volunteers for London 2015 and Rugby World Cup 2015, and been interviewed for Glasgow 2014, I thought I roughly knew what to expect from a volunteer interview. I was mistaken, massively!

Firstly this was an online group interview - in English. There were about 12 of us on the call. Secondly the interview was not done with respect to a particular functional area.

The host showed us a very inspirational video really setting the scene and getting us excited for Rio 2016. After that we were shown a brief slide show telling us more about the expectations of Rio and what we could expect being a volunteer. The first thing each of us was asked to do was introduce ourselves and tell the group which athlete inspired us most. Anyone who knows me will know before I even say.... I chose Seb, or Lord Coe as others like to call him ;-)

Next up was our task. We, as a group, were tasked with coming up with a slogan and jingle to be used to advertise the games, with the values of the games in mind. Wow... I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting to be grilled on my experience and skills. Luckily I have a creative side.

[apologies to the lady for the very unflattering picture!]

By the end of it, I thought the interview had went well. I can't remember what our slogan or jingle turned out to be in the end. In fairness it was all a bit of a blur. Guess I have to wait and see what the outcome is!

27th November 2015 - BREAKING NEWS!
Today, 'Black Friday' I woke up to a news article from Rio 2016 stating they'd accepted 50,000 volunteers of 70,000 and by typing in your email you could find out if you were one of the first to be chosen. I won't lie, I was so so so nervous typing my email into that box! But never mind.... It was good news! Rio 2016 here I come!!!

I love love love that Rio had allowed all 50,000 of the volunteers already chosen to find out all together. Usually with event's there's a drip feed of acceptance across the different functional areas. This meant we all were able to celebrate together. 

Now the wait begins to find out expect what role I've been allocated.... we shall see! 

Sunday 27th April 2016 - I thought I best update you!
Back in December I receive a role for both the Olympics and Paralympics - I thought all my luck had come at once, until I realised what the role was.

**Warning - rant included!**

Now don't get me wrong, I'll give anything a go and get stuck in where I'm needed - however when a role includes some translation work - have they heard my Geordie French/Italian??? Given the role included working with the media/press and booking conference rooms etc. I'm quite anti-media when it comes to volunteering, I'm all for supporting athletes, most of who aren't actually paid for what they do (yeah ok most are sponsored these days but that's different!) however the media are carrying out a paid job, they're there to make money for their media outlet. This is why I feel uncomfortable travelling half way around the world, using my own money to help people who are there, paid for by their work, make a fortune? Everyone has their own motivations for volunteering. Mine is not to support the media.

**Rant over :-) **

As Rio have an awesome online chat facility I spoke to a guy there who told me not to worry about not feeling comfortable with me role, and that I should just not accept it and I'd have a new role in 10 days time to accept! Awesome I thought. However, 10 days came and went. At the end of January I returned to the online chat and was accused of 'not accepting my role' even though the previous guy had opened a case for my enquiry. At this point I was assured not to worry as my role would be reallocated by the end of February. February came and went, with no role in my inbox - what was going on? I returned to the online chat - again I was accused of not accepting my role and again I was told the deadline for roles was now May.

Given it's now coming to the middle of April I decided to enquire this time through their Facebook page to ask if I was on the only one waiting. Yet again I was accused of not accepting my role, yet again I went on to explain this is what I'd be instructed to do. Next thing I know, my phone is ringing with a very odd number - a call from Rio 2016! Apparently I'd be given the wrong information back in December and that they could only now guarantee I'd receive a new role by the end of JUNE! Given the Olympics starts 5th August and volunteers are advised to arrive a few days ahead, this would leave me 1 month to sort logistics. Would accommodation still be available? Would there even be flights left by then? Who knows.

The worst thing about it is Rio 2016 also keep removing my post from their Facebook. I didn't think Rio would be against transparency, but it appears they don't want the truth out there...slightly worrying!

I think it's time I withdrew my application..... annoying given I've saved up for the last few years to go and that my employer has granted me 7 weeks off to go :'(

2nd June 2016

Into my inbox dropped another offer - you wouldn't believe it. After all I went through explaining I did not want a role working with the media, the exact same role I'd been offered in December was back! This time I didn't get a chance to accept or decline. I was simply put in touch with the volunteer manager who was keen to know when I was planning on arriving! After a polite response, explaining I was not coming to Rio for this role I was evicted from the volunteer portal. Ops!

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