Following the start of the London 2012 Games, my time in London as a spectator at the Olympic Games, and the excitement building up to my Games Maker Experience.......I decided enough was enough and I wanted to do it all again already! So 2 weeks before I headed to London for the Paralympic Games I submitted my application for Sochi 2014!!
Wednesday 15th August 2012 - Registered my interest & applied for Sochi 2014!
The application form was very similar to London 2012's - I'll update this part later :)
Monday 27th August 2012 - Invite to complete the English Test!
This led to a manic check of application status on the website the first and second time! But on the second time, I decided to check through my application form! Aha! My volunteer positions had been changed..... was this a good or a bad thing!
The application form wasn't too dissimilar to the London 2012 application form. Very similar layout and questions......very easy to complete and I definitely had enough to write for each question!!
"Dear Mr/Mrs Lazenby,
We are pleased that you wish to become a volunteer and play a part in the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi! Volunteers will be the driving force at the forthcoming Games, helping to create a uniquely hospitable and cordial atmosphere, and welcoming millions of visitors to Russia!"
"Your application has
been completed successfully. The creation of your Volunteer Portal account is
been processed."
English Test?? Ahhhh!! I'm hopeless at English - being more a maths and science person, I've never stressed over a language test so much in my life!
"Dear Nicola,
Thank you
for your readiness to contribute to the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI
Paralympic Games in Sochi as a volunteer. It is these volunteers who will be
the main driving force behind the Games, creating the unique atmosphere of
hospitality Russia is preparing to show millions of guests.
Knowledge of the English language is
one of the key components of our success and, because of this, one of the steps
to becoming a volunteer is a test of your knowledge of English."
This email was received 2 days before heading to London, with the excitement, I decided it would be best to wait until I came back to complete the test! I complete the test on Thursday 13th September 2013...... surprisingly I didn't receive confirmation or, a pass or fail
Thursday 8th November 2013 - Invited to Interview!!
A nice surprise dropped into my inbox inviting me for interview! This was VERY exciting!!
"Dear Mr/Mrs Lazenby,
You have been invited to the Interview_OCOG
interview. With your valid User name and password, you can log-in to your
personal application"
Selecting a time for interview took forever! Originally I didn't realise the time was in Moscow time, so booked a 9am the UK, this equated to a 5am interview.....Oh no! I am certainly not my best at 5am! After a lot more time spent confusing myself, I decided to go for a 4pm interview Moscow time, this mean that my interview would either be at 12pm or 8pm.....with the 4 hour time difference!
I'd also decided I'd go back to my parents to have the interview, as I live in a shared student house, I didn't want to rely on my house mates not interrupting me, the internet breaking down, or my neighbours loud music not blasting out their music!
Sunday 11th November 2013 - Interview Day!!
Now that I'm definitely not going to Sochi, and aren't under any sort of 'Volunteer Agreement' (mentioned later in the post!) I thought I'd share exactly what the interview was like....
To start with I was expected to produce my passport and show it on the camera. Having left my passport in Sheffield and returned to my parents house unaware I needed my passport, it's safe to say I didn't have it to produce!
It was very similar to the London 2012 Interview, but unique due to the fact the question were translated from Russian. "When have you lost your head?" Being one of them... It was very annoying that when I didn't fully understand the question I was being asked, it appeared that the girl interviewing me, didn't know English well enough to rephrase the question.This was very frustrating and lead me to think my interview was being recorded for someone to score it at a later date.
After a 'personal qualities' questioning, I then got handed over to a guy who was interviewing me from the Protocol team. This was a series of 'yes or no' questions, e.g. "Do you enjoy speaking face to face with people?", "Are you organised?".... nothing more was to be said other than yes or no... I found this slightly off putting but never mind! Towards the end I got asked a few questions that I was allowed to expand on.
Throughout the interview, there was no follow up questions. Having interviewed for London 2012, I expected to be asked similar question and have follow up question/conversation about my answers, but this didn't happy. It was very much 1 question, then the next moving promptly on.
Note: I stated on my application form I didn't speak any Russian, hence the English Interview!
To start with I was expected to produce my passport and show it on the camera. Having left my passport in Sheffield and returned to my parents house unaware I needed my passport, it's safe to say I didn't have it to produce!
It was very similar to the London 2012 Interview, but unique due to the fact the question were translated from Russian. "When have you lost your head?" Being one of them... It was very annoying that when I didn't fully understand the question I was being asked, it appeared that the girl interviewing me, didn't know English well enough to rephrase the question.This was very frustrating and lead me to think my interview was being recorded for someone to score it at a later date.
After a 'personal qualities' questioning, I then got handed over to a guy who was interviewing me from the Protocol team. This was a series of 'yes or no' questions, e.g. "Do you enjoy speaking face to face with people?", "Are you organised?".... nothing more was to be said other than yes or no... I found this slightly off putting but never mind! Towards the end I got asked a few questions that I was allowed to expand on.
Throughout the interview, there was no follow up questions. Having interviewed for London 2012, I expected to be asked similar question and have follow up question/conversation about my answers, but this didn't happy. It was very much 1 question, then the next moving promptly on.
Note: I stated on my application form I didn't speak any Russian, hence the English Interview!
Saturday 17th November, Thursday 29th November - Personal Data Updated
On a few occasions I received an email like the one below....
"Dear Mr/Mrs Lazenby,
Your personal data have been
The Sochi 2014 Organizing
Tuesday 25th December - BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!
Having just ate my Christmas dinner, I returned to the living room to chill out in front of some Christmas films. I checked my phone and noticed this email....
"Добрый день!
Мы поздравляем Вас с наступающим Новым Годом и рады сообщить, что Вы
успешно прошли все этапы отбора на позицию Ассистент Национальных Олимпийских и
Паралимпийских комитетов и теперь переходите на следующий этап – Обучение!"
I presumed this was just a Merry Christmas email, but thought I'd best go and get my laptop to check it out. It turns out this the above actually means.........
"Good day!
We wish you a Happy New Year and happy to announce that you have successfully passed all stages of the selection to the position of Assistant to the National Olympic and Paralympic Committees and now move on to the next stage - Education!"
Wow!!! Really??!?! I'd been accepted?? I couldn't quite believe it, and put it down to the meaning being lost in translation. By boxing day I was wanting English confirmations, so I decided to email them.....
Merry Christmas and thank you
for your email.
Would it be possible for you to
email me in English? I have no understanding of the Russian language.
By using Google Translate I have
read that I have been accepted for a role at the Sochi 2014 Games – could you
confirm this in case what I have read has been lost in translation?
Kind regards,
Then I waited for my reply........Having originally applied for and been interviewed for the protocol team, it appeared I'd been moved to the NOC/NPC role!
Thursday 10th January 2013 - The confirmation!!
I was now back in Sheffield, as I was locking the front gate I heard my phone receive an email. Just as I was getting to the corner of the street I read it.....
"Hello, Nicola!
You are right, you are Assigned on the NOC/NPC Assistants position!
Sorry for our mistake!
Next time we will send you English-version of a
Tuesday 6th August 2013 - Training or maybe not!
This morning I woke up to an email in Russian detailing some volunteer training - after translating the email:
This morning I woke up to an email in Russian detailing some volunteer training - after translating the email:
You have successfully completed training in your volunteer center and at the moment we are pleased to invite you to the portal training games, which collected all the necessary content for the Sochi 2014 Games, including test items and more - much more!
Click on the link and fill out all the information about yourself and before you open special sections with materials training courses on "My games", "My job" and "My object"
If you have questions on the use of the portal, go to the special section "About the service."
To access the site, please use the manual entry of username and password. In case of problems with login, please contact the technical service.
I then logged into the volunteer training pages, only to find it was all in Russian! Google Chrome's Translate feature worked well on translating this, until it came to videos and Pdf's that required translation!
Thinking something wasn't right, I emailed my functional area to double check the email was meant for me and if it was available in English. The functional area were amazing and emailed back within no time! :D
Turns out the email was sent to me by mistake as international volunteer training will be carried out in Sochi tight before the games!
Now I can sit back and relax whilst I wait for my travel dates and further information!!! :D
Tuesday 10th September 2013 - Volunteer Agreement Arrived!
Woop! Today I received an email with my volunteer agreement!!
"Dear volunteer!
We congratulate you on the successful passage of the stages of selection: tests and interviews. There is still a lot of interesting contacts, events, fascinating work at the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.
Now you will have a very important stage - the signing of the agreement with the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. Please pay special attention to this document. Filling the agreement is a prerequisite for obtaining a visa."
Completed my agreement - posted it 1st class, recorded delivery to ensure it gets there! Look like I'm one step closer :D
Thursday 26th September 2013 to Wednesday 2nd October 2013
After reading through my application form online again, hoping something had changed, indicating they actually still knew I existed, I realised that I was now available a lot longer than I originally expected to be, so emailed my functional area manager just to let her know....
This is when I received a response that literally changed my future:
At this moment you are in the list of volunteers who are in “Reserve”. You have a great experience and we want you to come in Sochi. The only reason why we can’t tell you that you will be NOC/NPC Assistant – you don’t speak Russian language. Now we can’t promise you that you would come to Sochi."
Having spend since Christmas Day 2012 looking forward to my adventure to Sochi, saving my PhD grant to pay for flights and spending money.... it turns out I'm no longer wanted, based on the fact that I don't speak Russian!
I feel the need to point out, knowledge of the Russian Language was never given as an essential prerequisite to volunteer at the games. I also never suggested that I knew Russian (see my application form for proof!). My only remarks on the language side of things was when I had a definite response to being accepted (i.e. my portal status changed) I would then look to learn Russian.
Originally I applied for a completely different functional area, but the Sochi Organisers changed my role following my interview. I had intended to begin learning Russian at a local night class, based on the fact I thought it would be personally useful for my trip, not essential for my role!
I still have a lot of questions I'd like to be answered by the Sochi 2014 volunteer management team, as I feel massively let down by the whole process. Maybe this is 'just the Russian way' of doing things, but surely this is not the way the Olympic Volunteer Legacy of London 2012 should be being continued. Getting the hopes up of volunteers only to crush them, for me this is the organising team in Sochi abusing the power they have been given to recruit the Games Time volunteers. This is hardly following the Olympic and Paralympic Values!
I must add, although my storey appears to be pretty unique, after speaking with other London 2012 Games Makers, the storey of confusion, chaotic organisation and very little respect from organisers in Sochi appears to be consistent!
It's been 13 days since I emailed Sochi for an answer to my only question, which they have failed to answer, by skirting around the question in previous emails. So unless I get a response, this is my final communication with Sochi 2014......
"Why was I told 10 months ago I had been accepted onto the team to find out now that I am not on the team because I don't speak Russian? You were aware of this fact when you sent me the initial email saying I had passed the selection process and all that remained was training before you welcomed me to Sochi. You have also accepted volunteers who don't speak Russian into the NOC/NPC role - so why am I different?"
::Games (maker) Over::
Thursday 17th October 2013
Talk about confusing - this has just landed in my inbox:
"Dear Sochi 2014 Volunteer,
It’s less than 4 months left before Sochi, Russia, will host Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2014.
We ask you to pass several learning modules prior to your work at the Games. And we are very glad to invite you to our distance learning portal: [website link]. Sign in right now:
Your login is:
Your password is:
That’s what you’ll find at the portal:
- general information about the Olympics, Paralympics, the host city, venues and sports (“My Games” module)
- description of skills we expect from an effective volunteer (“My Skills” module)
- job-specific information, your role and functions at the Games (“My Job” module)
- venue-specific knowledge and the related policies and procedures (“My Venue” module)
We also need to kindly draw your attention to the fact that this learning is mandatory for all Games volunteers, and you need to pass all necessary tests to have the online training completed.
Right before your first shift in Sochi or very soon after you’ll also have few onsite trainings.
We’re looking forward to see you at the Games!
Sochi 2014 Learning and Development Team"
Right before my first shift? Has my status now changed? I doubt it since I'm still under the impression I'm a reserve! This is just another confusion to add to that of Sochi 2014. It's fair to say that until I have confirmation I'm required in Sochi, I won't be spending my time completing the training!
Saturday 19th October 2013 - Volunteer Agreement Returned!
So even though I posted it, to the exact address given by the Organising Committee..... My volunteer agreement made it to Russian, but not to Sochi....and it now back at my address! Excellent! I'm afraid this won't be getting reposted until I know if I am actually going to get to Sochi..... So far my volunteer agreement as made it further than me!..... the storey continues!
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