Date: Friday 30th March 2012
Destination: London
Mission: National Lottery Olympic Park Run!!!
On Friday the 30th March 2012, my parents arrived in Sheffield to pick me up for the most exciting trip to London I'd ever been far!!!!
On Saturday 31st March 2012 I was due to run the National Lottery Olympic Park Run!! 5mile route around the Olympic Park......the first competitive event to be held in the stadium......and I was going to be one of the first 5,000 to cross the finishing line in the Olympic Stadium.......Wow!! Here's the route for those interested!
I'd received an email advertising the run through Bupa running, having been on their mailing list from running the Great North Run and Great North 10k's for the previous few years. I thought I may as well apply, although the odds of actually getting a place were very low! I'd regret not applying when I saw it on the TV - wishing I could have been there! By entering the ballot at least I had some chance of taking part!
The cost of entering the run was only £15 - believe me, I would have paid a lot lot more for this opportunity so I thought it was a bargain. In the weeks leading up to the run I'd been suffering for a stupid, painful, cough....after the run I found my cough was actually a chest infection (Ops!!) I'd refused to go to the Doctors about it as I didn't want to be told this, and to be advised I shouldn't run!
My parents and I had booked rooms for the night before and after in the Travelodge in Stratford, only a 10 minute walk to the park, the location couldn't have been any better!
On the Saturday morning, we got up bright and early and headed to Westfield Shopping Centre (aka. Shoppers heaven!). We'd heard that you could get a good view of the park from the window in John Lewis.... this was no lie! The weather could have been a bit more sunny - but for running, the weather was ideal! I also got a chance to meet Wenlock and Mandeville again, after my time as a SEV.
After a swift wander back through Westfield, off we went to the Olympic Park! I was so so excited I could have wet myself.......thankfully I didn't :)
Entrance to the park was via the Stratford Gate, after 3 walk through metal detectors (although I'm sure these weren't actually plugged in!) we reached the airport style security point. Bags on the conveyor and another walk through metal detector! I was pleased that, unlike every time I go on holiday, I didn't beep, meaning I could run straight into the park! I was very impressed by how efficient this process was, and wondered if they could make it this efficient when it came to games time!
On entering the park there was none of the pink over head signs we all know from Games time, instead there were fences covered in The National Lottery Banners as a lot of the park was still a building site! Lots of people were getting their photos taken along side them, so it was rude for me not to!
It was pretty quiet when we entered the park, one could have called me a keen bean, dying to get inside! On entering the stadium, everything just got too much! I'd followed the building of the Olympic Park (remember I'm a civil engineer - so that sort of thing is right up my street!) and as a Games Maker Applicant at the time, I simply couldn't believe I was there. I couldn't believe I was actually standing in the Olympic stadium. My parents found the fact being in the stadium made me so emotions it reduced me to tears hilarious. Likewise, the security guard working at the top of the stairs at a good giggle at the expensive of my tears - but I didn't care! I was just so happy!
Once I'd pulled myself together and dried the tears, it was time to take some photos! Who knew if I'd ever get the chance to come back into the park - I had no Games Maker Role or tickets at the time, so I thought I best make the most of it!
Dad and I climbed the stair right to the very back of the stadium to check out the view from the there - we were both pretty impressed that you would still get a pretty decent view from the 'cheap seats'. Looking back, its strange seeing the stadium so bare without its fabric façade and pretty coloured lights!
Before I knew it, it was race time! I decided I'd run with my camera, so that I could take photos on my way round and share the memories of a partly built park with my friends and family! Everyone lined up and there was an unforgettable sea of red t-shirts!
The race begun with a group stretch, although space was a bit tight so some of the moves were slightly limited but to be honest I don't think any warm up was needed with the amount adrenaline in my blood, warming me up nicely with excitement!
On the panel to be pinned on the back of my t-shirt I'd wrote 'Geordie Racer'. This lead to various shouts along the route of 'Toon Toon' and 'Geordie!'. There was also a few people who ran alongside me, also from the north east, asking where I was from, and general just supported each other for the part of the run! I found this run was the most sociable run I've ever done. Anyone you found yourself beside did their best between pants to chat and generally just share the enjoyable experience.
I'll never forget one lady, who must have ran behind me most of the way round. I decided at about the 4.5mile enough was enough and I couldn't really breathe any more so had to walk! The lady behind me patted me on the back, and said "I'm so glad you decided to drop to a walk here, we're close to the stadium so it's a good idea, but I'd promised myself I wouldn't stop until you did! Thank you for the break!". We then walked for a minute or so chatting about how amazing the experience was before I decide it was time to finish the run at a proper pace with pride!
I finished the run in a time of 52:05 minutes! Boom! What an achievement for someone with a chest infection, running whilst taking photos!
After the run, I spent a bit of time watching the Stadium entertainment and catching my breathe before it was time to sadly leave and go back to real life! I'd joked that I'd love it if Tom Daley was at the run...sadly I hadn't spotted him, until I opened my race pack I got at the finishing line and found him on the front cover of the London Prepared Magazine! Aha! Maybe not in person....but I had found Tom Daley in the Olympic park ;)
I left the park with 1 final photo (on top of the many I'd taken but won't bore you with!), my race pack and medal, as one very happy girl!
In the lead up to Games, I'd be an avid follower of the sustainability and construction side of the park - I still am now with the regeneration of the park! One of the quirk things I read about the park was canal crayon art work! I'm a bit of a geek and collection pencils from various locations, so I thought having these in the park as functional art was AMAZING! I'd been sad that I hadn't seen any of them whilst running acround the park....but just as we were crossing the bridge by the aquatics centre my mam points and says "are those them stupid crayon things you've been on about?".....YES we'd found them! Turns out we would have spotted them on the way in, if we hadn't had been so fascinated and engrossed by the stadium! Seeing these, my visit to the park was officially complete - simple things, I know :)
After I'd finally left the park - we had another wander through Westfield where I found a shop, Pull and Bear, that I'd never heard of in the north east. After a wander in, I found my sweaty smelly self in the changing rooms trying on a pair of dressy shorts! I've no idea what the changing room guy thought of my sweaty mess trying on their clothes.... Thankfully they fitted so I bought them!
After a quick shower and change we headed back to Westfield for dinner. We settled on 'The Real Greek' in the outside area of Westfield, where we enjoyed a nice selection of meze. On leaving the restaurant I couldn't believe my eyes..... the Olympic Park was all lit up.....very impressive! Walking back to the hotel turned into another photo opportunity!
That was it, Olympic Park Run adventure was officially over, off I returned to back to Sheffield with my t-shirt, medal, memories and photos, not knowing if I would get the opportunity to come back. I'd had my interview and was still playing the Games Maker waiting game.....thankfully my dream came true!
Addition: The route I followed for National Lottery Olympic Park Run in 2012 can be found on my Endomondo Page - it should give you an idea of hills etc:
Addition: The route I followed for National Lottery Olympic Park Run in 2012 can be found on my Endomondo Page - it should give you an idea of hills etc:
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